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Sasha Riley

I work in a variety of media, particularly fine liners and watercolours, before editing each piece digitally. It is a way to expand and experiment quickly. By emphasising aesthetics, the viewer is being seduced into a world of colourful characters and landscapes. Playful moments are depicted through the use of colour, texture and form. My work often radiates warmth and fun, and I enjoy telling stories through my drawings.

An illustration evolves from extensive character development, until the character takes on a life of its own. My best work is produced when I am at my most impulsive, and a multifaceted process allows me to handle a wide variety of subjects. Each subject carries its own emotions, concepts and definitions. I react to those elements, and that in turn affects my visual language.

Influences include Oliver Jeffers, Richard Williams and Christina Ellis. For inspiration I watch animation, read, and listen to music. It is musicality that I strive to deliver in all of my work.

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